Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blood Donation, Pleeease~ [8/4/2010] ^-^

...Blood donation, pleeease. Anyone?XD Imagine, every day, every minute, someone is desperate for blood..xP without it, he may not survive.. :( There is, indeed, no substitution for blood, and it can Only come from donors, like you and me.^^

That was why a blood donation campaign was carried out by the Leo Club members and we, the Red Crescent members, were also there to help out during the event. I thank God for our kind Swinburne students and staffs who were most willing to lend a helping hand to the needy.

Venue: Swinburne G Block Auditorium
Time: 10:00am-2:30pm

---The Blood donation area and the donors^.^---

---Blood test area---

Out of my expectations, there were a total of 61 volunteers who turned up during the short four-and-a-half hour event. However, 21 of them were unable to donate due to the unfulfilment of the donation criteria. The most common reason was because they were not staying in the country for at least a year. Most expressed their regrets for not being able to help. Gosh..really sincere and kind-hearted^-^.

Everyone who participated and those who helped out, I sincerely thank you for your valuable time and effort rendered in making this noble contribution~ :)