Sunday, November 7, 2010

Meeting (6 November 2010)

A meeting was conducted on 6 November 2010.
The objective of this meeting is to elect new people for the committee board and discuss the upcoming events.
Please refer to the right side of the blog for the latest VAD72 committee board.

Last, but not least,
Come and Join us to learn more about VAD!

Have a nice day=)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Welcome all VAD-72 Members@@


New Semester Coming!!
Welcome all member back!

We got first event in this month.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Link Camp 2010


attention to all VAD Member.


We ask for help from Stampin Chapter by Doing mass Cooking this Saturday.
Welcome all members to join this event.

Let show our love to children.
Thank you!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Attention to all VAD members!!


We need Members to arrange some times to help on the mass cooking.We need to serve meal for our link camp members, and doing the cooking.
Detail are shoes below:

Date:5-7 June 2010
Time:10am -1.30pm or 5pm -7pm
Venue:Secondary School Near Swinburne

Please give me a name before 25/5/2010.

Welcome all members come to join us.
Thanks and regards,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ambulance service at Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia

Ambulance Demonstration

Visited Blind Centre

After visit to the Sarawak Society for the Blind (Kuching Division Branch) more understanding of the less fortunate, . Our members have a greater understanding of the blind and how to respond to their needs. Swinburne Red Crescent was contribute to the community through providing care and service to them. Picture are shows below:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blood Donation, Pleeease~ [8/4/2010] ^-^

...Blood donation, pleeease. Anyone?XD Imagine, every day, every minute, someone is desperate for blood..xP without it, he may not survive.. :( There is, indeed, no substitution for blood, and it can Only come from donors, like you and me.^^

That was why a blood donation campaign was carried out by the Leo Club members and we, the Red Crescent members, were also there to help out during the event. I thank God for our kind Swinburne students and staffs who were most willing to lend a helping hand to the needy.

Venue: Swinburne G Block Auditorium
Time: 10:00am-2:30pm

---The Blood donation area and the donors^.^---

---Blood test area---

Out of my expectations, there were a total of 61 volunteers who turned up during the short four-and-a-half hour event. However, 21 of them were unable to donate due to the unfulfilment of the donation criteria. The most common reason was because they were not staying in the country for at least a year. Most expressed their regrets for not being able to help. Gosh..really sincere and kind-hearted^-^.

Everyone who participated and those who helped out, I sincerely thank you for your valuable time and effort rendered in making this noble contribution~ :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Welcome all VAD-72 Members@@

Dear all VAD-72 members,

Especially for the first viewer or may be you are new member of our VAD-72, we would like to thank you for your supporting on our VAD-72. Sincerely, welcome to be part of our VAD-72 family. Again welcome to kuching.

This blog is including with some of the pass events that we had done. Besides, progress, information and notices will be kept on update in this blog. Please just make sure you always keep yourself update by viewing this blog frequently. You may feel free to post your comment on each notice. Thanks and enjoys.

"We Serve Voluntarily"

As your information, we are Red Crescent, but we mostly call ourselves as VAD-72.

"why we are Voluntary Aid Detachment (VAD)”.

Individuals who join the Malaysian Red Crescent are grouped into three movement; Link, Youth and the Voluntary Aid Detachment. Links and Youth movement are for primary and secondary school members. While the Voluntary Aid Detachment is for students in tertiary institution just like us. The activities of VAD is more mature such public duties & organising events.

In summary, if an above 18 year old individual joins the Malaysian Red Crescent, he/she will be placed in a Voluntary Aid Detachment. "72" means we are in group no.72 amount the VADs in Malaysia.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Anual General Meeting Stampin Chapter 2010

On the 28th of March 2010, an Anual General Meeting of Stampin Chapter was held at Penview Inn. 6 member of our Swinburne University VAD-72 Attended the AGM.

Below are few pictures taken during the AGM.

Blood Donation 2010

Voluntary Aid Detachment (RED CRESCENT) and Leo Club will organize a Blood Donation campaign at Swinburne University Of technology next week.

Details are as shown below:

Date: 8th April 2009(Thursday)

Venue: Block G (Auditorium)

Time: 10am – 3pm

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Blind Centre Charity Work

Date:24th April 2010
Time:9am until finish work(Estimate about 3 hours)
Venue:Blind centre Kuching(Near Swinburne University)

What to do there:
*Provide man power for then to clean up and setting up for their CHARITY SALE on 25th April 2010.
Boat Handling Course
Date: 10th April 2010
Time: 10am – 5pm
Venue: Swinburne University (theory)G4.07
Waterfront Kuching(practical)
Fees:RM10(every member)
*Self Transportation

*10am to 1pm(theory)

Any enquirer,contact:
Lau Siew Kong(013-8153816 )

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Welcome all vad member bck!!

Hello current and future members of Malaysian Red Crescent VAD- 72.Welcome Back@@...

I hope everyone is settling down with their studies and the life in Swinburne University.

Come and join us to know more about our activities, the committee, and other VAD-72 members. Mix, mingle and have fun knowing each other.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Briefing on Disaster Relief for flood~ (28/1/2010)

Here comes the "Annual raining festival"!XD hahah. Juz kiddin. No such festival ;p Juz that it has come to the beginning of the year, whereby rain visits us so frequently :P Well, it has been raining for days, here in Kuching. & the most common effect...... Flood! Yikes~!xp That's why RC has to always prepare and train enough members to help out. That's also why we were called to attend the specially organised briefing on disaster relief for flood.=)

Venue: Stampin Chapter ; Time: 7:30pm ; Date: 28/1/2010

Here's a closer look on basically what we need to know about Disaster Relief. The picture below shows different responsibilities one can be assigned in the rescue team. This includes: Search and Rescue, Welfare, Health and medical Services, Support, Media and Security Control.

The one on the left is our leader, the other one is our speaker. It was really an enjoyable yet knowledgeable night, I would say.^^ They were all very approachable and ever willing to answer our doubts :)

Members who attended the briefing as below. (inc 3 of us from swinburne: Linda, Delia, Alex) It was really amazing what this short briefing has done to me. What I've realised is that... we're indeed, too blessed! \[^0^]/ Let us not focusing within ourselves, but Outside ourselves. There's so many people in the world that needed our help and care. so..If I hav the chance to get involve in this activity, I will~ ^_^

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jog, Jog...Jog-A-Thon!~^0^ (13/12/09)

A few weeks before saying farewell to our eventful 2009, we had our Annual jog-a-thon! \[^-^]/ It was organised by the Stampin Chapter, with the major purpose of raising funds. Meanwhile, it's also a great way for students, as well as adults, to have fun while involving themselves in this physical fitness activity~ :)
Before the event started, participants had to register themselves first and get their numbers.

But, but, but... after registration, there's another important thing we mustn't forget.. Waaala~! Our lucky draw number! XD

Heere comes...the leading team!;) The orange flag is for leading younger participants, namely the primary school students. On the other hand, the other flag is for older participants, which is 13 years and above. :)

*BooOM~~*! Run kids~ Run~~!;D

Some Ran as fast as they could...

Some end up walking....;p

Here comes, the 2nd category runners^_^>>>
The d rescue~

Fi--nally~The....Finishing Line!
Everyone was anxious... Who's gonna win? Who's gonna win?

Come on~ you're almost there!^0^

*Ouch*~ Some1 got hurt xp hoho...dun worry... our RC members are kind enuf2 give u a helping hand^^
Ambulance back frm duty:)>>
*Click* *Click* Say cheeeze~

*Ye-aH~* Job finally done~ ^0^

This is d moment...Lucky draw session! XD Haha..Congratz to d winners^^ has finally cum2 an end:) Gosh, wad a busy mornin, but meaningful though^^