Monday, February 22, 2010

Briefing on Disaster Relief for flood~ (28/1/2010)

Here comes the "Annual raining festival"!XD hahah. Juz kiddin. No such festival ;p Juz that it has come to the beginning of the year, whereby rain visits us so frequently :P Well, it has been raining for days, here in Kuching. & the most common effect...... Flood! Yikes~!xp That's why RC has to always prepare and train enough members to help out. That's also why we were called to attend the specially organised briefing on disaster relief for flood.=)

Venue: Stampin Chapter ; Time: 7:30pm ; Date: 28/1/2010

Here's a closer look on basically what we need to know about Disaster Relief. The picture below shows different responsibilities one can be assigned in the rescue team. This includes: Search and Rescue, Welfare, Health and medical Services, Support, Media and Security Control.

The one on the left is our leader, the other one is our speaker. It was really an enjoyable yet knowledgeable night, I would say.^^ They were all very approachable and ever willing to answer our doubts :)

Members who attended the briefing as below. (inc 3 of us from swinburne: Linda, Delia, Alex) It was really amazing what this short briefing has done to me. What I've realised is that... we're indeed, too blessed! \[^0^]/ Let us not focusing within ourselves, but Outside ourselves. There's so many people in the world that needed our help and care. so..If I hav the chance to get involve in this activity, I will~ ^_^

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